Please contact the correct department for your report.
Public Works (Operational Issues)
Snow Removal | Roads & Streetlights | Parks & Facilities | Water & Sewer | Garbage & Recycling | Other
This form will be emailed to the Manager of Public Works & Engineering. You can also call: 250-378-4224. After hours, Press 3 to report Emergency Public Works issues.
Bylaw Enforcement
Animal Control | Nuisance Complaints (ie: Noise) | Property Complaints (ie: Unsightly) | Traffic Issues
Bylaw enforcement does not govern crimes, threats, or similar incidents. Please contact the RCMP.
RCMP ONLINE REPORTING | CALL 911 for EMERGENCIES (or 250.378.4262 for non-emergencies) | VISIT MERRITT RCMP
For other resources, contact the Community Policing Office.