Volunteer for a Committee

Make a difference in your community.  Join a committee tasked with providing Council with information and recommendations on a wide variety of issues. Members serving on the committees include Council members and volunteers from the community who wish to make a difference. Committees typically meet once per month and most committee meetings are in the evening. Mayor and Council invite you to pick up an application form from City Hall or Download Here. Submit completed applications to info@merritt.ca.


Age-Friendly and Accessibility Advisory Committee


The purpose of the Age-Friendly and Accessibility Advisory Committee is to advise City Council on matters related to the achievement of an age-friendly and accessible City, including the following focus areas set out by the World Health Organization (“WHO”) Global Age-Friendly Cities Framework:

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings;
  • Transportation;
  • Housing;
  • Social Participation;
  • Respect and Social Inclusion;
  • Civic Participation and Employment;
  • Communication and Information; and
  • Community Support and Health Services


The Advisory Committee shall consist of seven voting members, of which:

  • One member of Council, appointed by Council;
  • At least four individuals who self-identify that they have a disability or who support, or are from organizations that support, persons with disabilities;
  • At least two individuals over age 55 who have an active interest and awareness of the concerns of residents in their age group or individuals who are involved or have experience in one or more of the eight age-friendly categories identified by the WHO; and,
  • At least one member who is of First Nations heritage.

In a non-voting advisory and support capacity:

  • Chief Administrative Officer;
  • Depending on the current initiatives of the Committee, the Chief Administrative Officer has authority to invite other City staff to provide support;
  • Committee Clerk


  • Assist the City in identifying barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization;
  • Advise the City on how to remove and prevent barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization;
  • Consult with the City in the development of the Accessibility Action Plan;
  • To review the results of the Accessibility Action Plan and “Our Merritt: Age-Friendly Action Plan” and prioritize, oversee, promote and encourage implementation of those plans;
  • To develop a coordinated approach between local government, citizens, service providers, and community organizations to make the community more age-friendly and accessible;
  • To encourage the community to view policies, projects and programs with an age- friendly and accessibility lens;
  • To monitor funding available for age-friendly or accessibility initiatives, encourage local government or other eligible agencies to apply for this funding, and provide input on funding applications;
  • To monitor changes to age-friendliness and accessibility, with consideration of the impact on people of all generations and abilities;
  • To review and analyze any items directed to the Committee by Council, for the purpose of making recommendations regarding promoting age-friendliness accessibility;
  • To make recommendations to community groups and organizations, including Council on a regular basis to continue age-friendly and accessibility initiatives; and
  • Members of this Committee are expected to be involved in committee activities for approximately ten (10) hours per month, which may include evenings and weekends.


The Committee will arrange to report to Council as needed.


The Term of Committee member appointments will coincide with the term of Council.

Meetings and administration

  1. At the first Committee meeting, members will appoint a Chair by vote.
  2. The Age-Friendly and Accessibility Advisory Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year, or more frequently at the call of the Chair.

Airport Advisory Committee


The Airport Advisory Committee will advise and make recommendations to Council on matters related to the Merritt airport. The committee will facilitate participation from local government, city staff, business and community interests in matters associated with the development of the Merritt Community Airport and the areas surrounding the airport.


5-7 voting members, comprised of:

  • One (1) member of Council
  • Commercial users at the airport
  • Recreational and commercial pilots
  • Members at large with an interest in advancing the airport and surrounding area

In a non-voting advisory capacity:

  • Chief Administrative Officer
  • Economic Development Manager
  • Superintendent of Public Works

The Committee will encourage the participation of:

  • Emergency services that are stationed at or use the airport: Air Ambulance, Forestry and BC Wildfire Service
  • A representative of owners of lands surrounding the airport


  • To inform Council on matters concerning the short and long-term of the Merritt Community Airport and surrounding areas
  • To report directly to Council as per the Council’s vision for the airport
  • To develop opportunities to support the financial self-sufficiency of the airport including researching ways to increase revenue and decrease expenses.
  • To advise Council on issues related to the Airport as they arise.
  • To set out clear goals for the Committee for the term.
  • To liaise with other committees or organizations with overlapping roles and responsibilities.
  • To encourage and support events that promotes the community and commercial involvement in the airport.
  • To act as airport ambassadors.
  • To advise and work with Council to ensure timely maintenance of existing facilities.
  • To advise Council on an annual plan to prioritize capital and maintenance issues at the airport.


  • As per Council Committee Policy ;or
  • At the pleasure of Council

Meetings and administration

  • At the first Airport Advisory Committee meeting, members will appoint a Chair by vote.
  • The Airport Advisory Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year or more frequently at the call of the Chair.

Board of Variance

What is a Board of Variance?

A Board of Variance functions as a decision making body who reviews applications and makes decisions on minor variances to zoning and land use bylaws when it is illustrated by the applicant that compliance would cause undue hardship.

Who sits on the Board of Variance?

The Board of Variance is made up of three individuals who are appointed by Council to serve on the Board of Variance for a term of three years.  The only requirement is that these volunteers must not be a member of the local planning commission or officer or employee of the local government.

What is the time commitment?

The Board of Variance may meet monthly, as required, to hear submitted applications.

What does “minor variance” and “undue hardship” mean?

Minor variance is determined by the BOV in its decision-making and relates to the specific circumstances of the request. Typically, undue hardship results from site and/or building aspects (e.g. irregular shaped lot, slope, natural features, historic siting), as opposed to personal circumstances. It is the applicant’s responsibility to clearly state in writing the basis for the appeal in their application submission and demonstrate the “hardship” that would result from full compliance.

Economic Development Committee

The City of Merritt is seeking interested persons to sit on the Merritt Economic Development Committee. The purpose of the committee is to advise Council on matters pertaining to economic development, downtown revitalization, investment, business attraction, and long-term economic sustainability. The committee will facilitate participation from local government, city staff, business and community members in matters associated with the Merritt Economic Development Strategy.

Please read the following Terms of Reference to become familiar with the expectations of committee members. Meetings will be held at minimum quarterly, or more frequently at the call of the Chair.

Recreation Advisory Committee



Select Committee of Council


The Recreation Advisory Committee established for the purpose of

  • Promoting public awareness of recreation;
  • Making recommendations to Council respecting recreation services;
  • Working with the community and / or Council for project funding, either through fundraising efforts or annual budget allocations.


The Committee shall be comprised of nine members who shall serve without remuneration

The Committee shall be composed as follows:

  • One member of Council; and,
  • Eight members at large.

In a non-voting advisory and support capacity:

  • Chief Administrative Officer;
  • Director of Community Services;
  • Committee Clerk


The Committee will arrange to report to Council, on at least an annual basis, though the Committee may make arrangements to come before Council more often to meet the needs of the Committee.


The Term of Committee member appointments will coincide with the term of Council.

Meetings and Administration

  • The Recreation Advisory Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year, or more frequently at the call of the Chair.
  • Committee procedure shall be governed by the Council Committee Policy.


Approved by Council: April 23, 2024

Youth Advisory Select Committee


  1. To inform Council about important matters affecting youth;
  2. To act as a positive advocate for youth and youth initiatives;
  3. To proactively consider policies, strategies, and proposals which the Committee believes could improve the lives of youth in Merritt;
  4. To actively seek input from youth on matters delegated to the Committee by Council;
  5. To provide leadership experience for youth.


As voting members, seven residents of the Nicola Valley, age 14-24 (or turning 14 in the year of application), as follows:

  • Two students from Merritt Secondary School (“MSS”)
  • One student from Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (“NVIT”)
  • Four members appointed ‘At Large’.

In the event that the City is unable to secure sufficient representation from students at MSS or NVIT, these positions may be advertised and filled ‘At Large’.

In a non-voting advisory capacity:

  • One member of City Council
  • One School District #58 Trustee
  • Committee Clerk
  • City Staff, as directed by Council


The term of membership for all voting members will be for the 12-month period from October 1st to September 30th.


  1. The first Committee meeting will be chaired by the appointed member of City Council, and at that meeting the Committee must elect a chair for the remainder of the year from among the voting members.
  2. The number of meetings of the Youth Advisory Committee will be determined by the Committee.
  3. Agendas will be set by the Chair and prepared by the Committee Clerk.
  4. Minutes of Youth Advisory Committee meetings will be recorded by the Committee Clerk.
  5. Persons who are not members of the Youth Advisory Committee may attend any open meetings of the Committee.
  6. Where applicable, the Committee will operate in accordance with the “Council Committee Policy” and the “Code of Conduct for Council & Committee Members”.

Interested committee applicants can complete an Application Form to volunteer or send a letter indicating their name, address, telephone and email contact with the reason they would like to serve on this committee.

Inquiries and completed applications can be sent to Corporate Services at info@merritt.ca.

Other Committees

No volunteers required.

Finance and Audit Standing Committee


  1. To review the City’s financial processes and liaise on behalf of Council with the City’s external auditor
  2. To oversee the City’s financial reporting and disclosure processes
  3. To monitor choice of accounting policies and procedures
  4. To oversee hiring, monitor performance and ensure independence of the City’s external auditor
  5. To meet with the City’s external auditor at the start of the annual audit and again at the end of the audit prior to the presentation of the audit to Council, to discuss concerns or issues relating to the financial management of the City
  6. To monitor internal control and auditing processes and oversee the performance of the internal audit function
  7. To oversee regulatory compliance and ethics
  8. To consult with City management on risk management policies and practices
  9. To review accounts payable cheques on a routine basis, and ensure that the Accounts Payable Cheque Register is available to other members of Council for review at City Hall
  10. To address matters of Human Resources and Purchasing
  11. To make a report to Council in October of each year, which report shall include:
    1. a summary of the activities of the Committee over the past year;
    2. the number of times the Committee met;
    3. the number of times a meeting was cancelled due to lack of Quorum;
    4. the number of recommendations made to Council; and
    5. the number of items referred to the Committee by Council


As voting members (Chair to be elected by the committee):

  • The Mayor
  • Two (2) members of Council appointed by the Mayor

In a non-voting advisory capacity:

  • Chief Administrative Officer
  • Director of Finance and IT


As per Council Committee Policy


  • Quarterly; and
  • At the beginning of the Audit process; and
  • At the end of the audit process; and
  • At the call of the Chair

Police Standing Committee


  1. To review and advise Council on all aspects of the City’s financial and organizational relationship with the Merritt detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  2. To consult with the Officer in Charge of the Merritt RCMP Detachment regarding the Detachment’s operational performance and budget utilization.
  3. To determine, in consultation with the OIC, municipal priorities, operational outcomes and appropriate budgetary allocation to the Merritt RCMP detachment.
  4. To liaise, in conjunction with the Merritt RCMP detachment, with community groups on matters pertaining to policing.
  5. To consider policing-related issues referred by Council.
  6. To consider items referred to Council by the RCMP or the Chief Administrative Officer.
  7. To consider items related to community policing.
  8. To make a report to Council in October of each year, which report shall include:
    1. a summary of the activities of the Committee over the past year;
    2. the number of times the Committee met;
    3. the number of times a meeting was cancelled due to lack of Quorum;
    4. the number of recommendations made to Council; and
    5. the number of items referred to the Committee by Council


As voting members (Chair to be elected by the committee):

  • The Mayor
  • Two (2) members of Council appointed by the Mayor

In a non-voting advisory capacity:

  • Chief Administrative Officer
  • Director of Finance and IT
  • OIC, Merritt Detachment, or his/her designate


As per Council Committee Policy


  • Quarterly; and
  • At the call of the Chair

Policy Review Standing Committee


  1. Review existing policies to determine if they are outdated, unused, or in need of amending
  2. Create new policies as requested by Council
  3. Make recommendations to Council for the rescinding, amending, or creation of City policies
  4. To make a report to Council in October of each year, which report shall include:
    1. a summary of the activities of the Committee over the past year;
    2. the number of times the Committee met;
    3. the number of times a meeting was cancelled due to lack of Quorum;
    4. the number of recommendations made to Council; and
    5. the number of items referred to the Committee by Council


As voting members (Chair to be elected by the committee):

  • The Mayor
  • Two (2) members of Council appointed by the Mayor

In a non-voting advisory capacity:

  • Chief Administrative Officer
  • Director of Corporate Services


  • As per Council Committee Policy; or
  • At the pleasure of Council


Once every three (3) months or more frequently if required