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Traffic Light Repaired
VOGHT STREET + RIVER RANCH ROAD | NOVEMBER 26, 2024 (updated December 19, 2024)
The traffic lights at the intersection of Voght Street and River Ranch Road have been repaired. The previous controller, which was over 20 years old, failed in late November, and a replacement was unavailable at the time. A new system was ordered immediately but only arrived recently. Crews installed the new controller today and will monitor its performance to ensure smooth operation.
During the outage, the old controller’s default settings could not be adjusted. These settings displayed a flashing amber light (caution) for Voght Street and a flashing red light (stop) for River Ranch Road, prioritizing traffic flow on the main thoroughfare, as is common practice in other municipalities.
The Voght Street Upgrade Complete
Phase 2: Part One of the Voght Street upgrade project (from Blackwell to the Hospital entrance) has achieved “substantial completion” and has entered into a warranty period.
This section of the project is just over 800 meters long and includes new water mains, new sanitary sewer mains, new storm sewer main, a new stormwater management pond, a new bike lane, new sidewalk, a new multi-use pathway, lighting, and landscaping.
The Contractor was able to complete the project 3.5 months ahead of the contracted completion date.
The City would like to thank residents for their patience while this important project was completed.
Subsequent phases of this project will occur when funding is available. Future works of Phase Two: Part Two of the Voght Street upgrade will continue the main alignment work from the hospital entrance to Belshaw Street/River Ranch Road. Part Three of the upgrade will cover the roundabouts at two intersections: Grimmett Street and Walters Street. The entire project includes active transportation pathways, water, sewer, storm drains, as well as paving, similar to the Phase Two: Part One project recently completed.
Voght Street Upgrade
FALL 2023 to FALL 2024
Starting fall 2023, the City will commence Part One of the phase two upgrade of Voght Street, from Blackwell Avenue to Grimmett Street near the Nicola Valley Hospital entrance. This full reconstruction project includes new water, sewer, active transportation paths, sidewalks, storm sewer, storm pond, and pavement. (Note that this part of the project does not include intersection improvements; the current geometry will remain). This work will continue until fall 2024.
Traffic will be reduced to single-lane alternating during the workdays for the bulk of the project. The contractor intends to leave the site open for two-way traffic overnight and on weekends. Hours of work are generally 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with traffic controls in place shortly before and after each work day.
Note that when the ground freezes (at any time from late November to March), road construction work must cease. During these shutdown periods, Voght Street will open to 2-way traffic on a gravel surface with warning and speed reduction signage in place. Also note that asphalt paving will only occur in the warmer months when asphalt companies are operating and available.
If and when construction requires a detour, traffic will be diverted along the Parker Drive and Juniper Drive collector corridor. When a detour is in place, temporary speed reduction signs of 30 km/h will be posted. When no detours are in place, this important collector route will return to its regular posted speed limit of 50 km/h.
The project is on schedule to complete in FALL 2024. The project is also under budget.
When funding is available, Part Two of the Voght Street upgrade will continue the main alignment work from the hospital entrance to Belshaw Street/River Ranch Road. Part Three of the upgrade will cover the roundabouts at two intersections: Grimmett Street and Walters Street. The entire project includes active transportation pathways, water, sewer, storm drains, as well as paving.
Active Transportation Path
Work Resumes
MARCH 18 – JUNE 15, 2024
Coldwater Avenue + Voght Street
Work resumes on Coldwater Avenue from Chapman Street to Voght Street and the 1300-1700 blocks of Voght Street.
APRIL 24 – 26, 2024
Coldwater Avenue + Voght Street
The WEST MERRITT ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PATH is a provincially-funded project (2020-2021) to create more pathways for walking and biking, connecting various points within the city. Work on this project started early September 2022. Its original planned completion was Fall 2023. However, as Fortis had intermediate pressure mains in the project area, the project needed to await approvals. Typically, this approval process is only a few weeks. However, in this particular instance, Fortis did not grant approval for nearly 9 months. This project is expected to restart imminently, depending on the contractor’s ability to obtain asphalt.
The public is asked to refrain from using the path for their own safety and to refrain from damaging the site. Construction signage and barricades will continue to remain in place while the project is ongoing.

Federal E-Petition #MERRITTSAFE
Greater Flood Impact Area Road Repair
FALL 2022 – SUMMER 2023
The City of Merritt has significant road repair and maintenance activities planned as a result of the November 2021 flood. The map below shows the Fall 2022 – Summer 2023 project scope of flood-affected areas.
Other than Canford Avenue, most of this roadwork comprised road grading and pot-hole pavement work, as well as shoulder grading and gravel rebuilding. There were some complete road repair and a small section requiring sidewalk and curb rebuild.
The 2021 flood damage assessment was initiated Spring 2022, after the snow melted. After extensive cataloging and assessment, the project scope was completed in June 2022 and submitted to Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) for funding approval. Tenders for the work went out mid-August and the project was awarded mid-September.
Work commenced in fall 2022 on the western portions of the project area (C101, C102, C103) and moves eastward (C104, C105) into Spring 2023.
FLOOD-AFFECTED CANFORD: (Summer 2022) The City of Merritt has also finished a complete rebuild of flood ravaged Canford Avenue, east of Main Street, along Voght Park, in summer 2022. The pavement, underground utilities and sewer system needed to be completely reinstalled and realigned.
Current Project Scope
Street |
Length (m) |
Pine Street | 587 |
Collett Street/Hicks Street | 353 |
Government Avenue | 328 |
Williams Crescent | 251 |
Spruce Avenue | 82 |
Walnut Avenue | 382 |
Fir Avenue | 270 |
Hill Street | 276 |
Main Street | 845 |
Quilchena Avenue | 759 |
Coldwater Avenue | 1931 |
Canford Avenue | 651 |
Voght Park Access | 43 |
Wilson Street | 95 |
Spring Street | 299 |
Hamilton Avenue | 124 |
Cleasby Street | 314 |
Chapman Street | 319 |
River Street | 201 |
Greig Street | 121 |
Voght Street | 499 |
Priest Avenue | 1029 |
Parcel Street | 134 |
Garcia Street | 405 |
Clarke Avenue | 222 |
McMillian Street | 104 |
Charters Street | 96 |
Clapperton Avenue | 887 |
Blair Street | 95 |
May Street | 194 |
Orme Street | 227 |
Houston Street | 953 |
Douglas Street | 124 |
Alleyways | 2630 |
Future Work
- Middlesborough Bridge: Cost estimates in progress. Submission for provincial funding in progress. Target construction schedule start: 2024
- Dike Rebuilds: Work on repairing existing dikes in progress.