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Well #2 Flush July 2023

JULY 13, 2023

The City of Merritt has completed the install and structural testing of Well #2, which has not run since the flood. The flush port for Well #2 is in a low-lying field, surrounded by a berm in Voght Park.

With this repair work now complete, crews must disinfect the well through shock chlorination. Crews conducted their first flush on June 5 and a second flush on on June 19, 2023.  Another flush must take place on Thursday morning, July 13, 2023.  Each flush takes about 10 minutes to an hour to flush, until the water clears. The low lying area of Voght Park will be temporarily flooded during this time and may take several hours to drain.

Once the water clears, crews will test the water quality. Once lab test results confirm the water is safe for consumption, Well #2 will be put online. This important well will help ensure that the City has enough water to supply the high demand months.

Public works crews will continue to perform weekly comprehensive sampling according to the City’s Water System Recovery Plan, approved by Interior Health.  This weekly testing is put in place to ensure good water quality is maintained.

Testing of this well must be completed prior to summer, before water demand increases ten-fold.


During the November 2021 flood, the City of Merritt lost two of its five wells that provide the City’s entire water supply.  The two damaged wells, located in Voght Park, both suffered contamination with flood waters, silt and debris. While the pipe system remained intact in both wells, the control system was damaged. One well lost a flow metre; the other well lost its housing structure, monitoring equipment, and pump drive.

In July 2022, Well #1 was fully repaired, disinfected, flushed and put into operation. The City has been operating with its remaining four wells since the flood, often nearly reaching its full capacity in the peak summer months.  Well #2 will significantly add to the City’s water capacity and provide room for more growth and development.

Watering restrictions will continue to be implemented in the peak summer months to better manage water levels in the rivers and support fish habitats.

City Water System

The City of Merritt’s water system is made up of five wells that extract water from an aquifer located under most of the City of Merritt. The wells range from 30 meters to 150 meters deep and can supply up to a combined 315 L/sec. Currently three reservoirs store just over 5.5 million liters of the city’s water from these pumps. Another 1.5 million liters is in the approximately 70 km of piping ranging from 100mm to 350mm.

Merritt’s aquifer has supplied a safe and consistent supply of potable water for 50+ years. The City of Merritt has taken measures to help protect the aquifer with the use of signs and public education.

In November 2008 to meet permit requirements set out by Interior Health the City of Merritt started to chlorinate its water supply. The chlorination is performed at each pump house at levels regulated by Interior Health.

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Learn More About Merritt’s Drinking Water

Find answers to common water quality questions and other important facts about water conservation here in Merrittt. To find this information and more, click the attached report below.

View the Complete Circle of Water Report for the City of Merritt.

Also see the City of Merritt’s Water Source Protection Plan

and Water Presentation from 2020


Director of Public Works and Engineering Services

Phone: (250) 378-4224

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