Annual Property
Tax Sale
Council Chambers | 10:00AM
City Hall | 2185 Voght St
As per the Local Government Act (RSBC 2015) Part 16, Division 7, parcels of property with unpaid delinquent taxes shall be offered for sale by public auction unless the taxes with interest are paid by the end of day on Friday, October 4, 2024.
The City is required by the Local Government Act to advertise and conduct a Tax Sale on all properties whose taxes have not been paid for 3 years. Property owners with delinquent taxes are notified directly. If taxes remain unpaid, their properties will be advertised for sale 2 weeks or more prior to the Tax Sale date. On sale date, a public auction is held to liquidate the property.
A list of the delinquent properties is posted early September and is updated and advertised until the auction date. If all delinquent property taxes are fully paid before the tax sale date, this auction will be cancelled.
For more information on property tax rules, visit
1401 PINE STREET 002-483-734 | LOT: 1 | BLOCK: 4 PLAN #: KAP561 | DISTRICT LOT: 126 |
$8,701.31 |