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The City of Merritt gives notice, pursuant to sections 26 and 94 of the Community Charter that it intends to dispose of the land legally described as Lot 10 of Block 6 Plan KAP1219 DL 125 LD 25 (PID 001-752-791)

The City intends to dispose of the land in the form of sale in fee simple. The property is not available for public acquisition, and is to be disposed to Geoff and Elaine Scholtens of 1599 Main St, Merritt, BC.

The City also provides notice that it intends to register a right of way in favour of the City of Merritt along the river bank as in the image above.

The proposed consideration to be received for the land is $5,136.16. Due to the encroachment on the property by the Coldwater River rendering a large portion of the parcel unusable for residential purposes, and the intention to provide a statutory right of way, this is believed to reflect fair market value.

For More Information Contact:
City of Merritt
Phone: (250) 378-4224

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