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Merritt RCMP Jr. Police Academy

March 20-24, 2023   |   West Kelowna, BC  |  APPLICATIONS DUE: JANUARY 4, 2023


Experience simulated Police Training and acquire all of your Grade 11 & 12 Career Exploration Hours.

The Merritt Junior Police Academy (JPA) is a program facilitated by the Merritt Community Policing Office in partnership with the Merritt RCMP. The JPA is a five day adaption of the RCMP Depot training experience for Grade 11 & 12 students in the Merritt and Logan Lake region. The application process is very competitive with a limited number of seats available to applicants. Eligible students must be able to commit to the full duration of the Academy.

If you are eligible to apply, you are encouraged to do so. However, if you are unsure, unfit, uncommitted or just need something to do over Spring Break you will not be successful. Start training today!

Successful applicants will be rewarded with many unique opportunities that will afford them greater insight should they choose to follow a law enforcement career.


  • Merritt or Logan Lake student attending Grade 11/12
  • Pass a physical fitness test
  • Pass a police database record check
  • Interested in a career in law enforcement


Applications are located here on this website, at the Merritt RCMP Detachment or at the Merritt Secondary School Student Services office.


  • Complete application and deliver to MSS Student Services or the Merritt RCMP Detachment Attn: Cst. Blake Chursinoff
  • Complete fitness test (3km run and circuit on date TBD)
  • Complete an interview at the Merritt RCMP Detachment
  • Background and reference checks
  • All applicants will be notified if they are successful or unsuccessful in the application process

APPLICATIONS DUE: JANUARY 4TH 2023. Drop off at the Merritt RCMP Detachment or send to

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