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Open House  | Utility Corridor Functional Planning Study

Monday, November 6, 2023  |   6PM – 8PM  |  Merritt Civic Centre

The City of Merritt is completing a Functional Planning Study of the utility corridors in East Merritt. Currently, these areas have a fully serviced sanitary sewer system. Much of the current system is near the end of its service life.  Additionally, due to City growth and added contributors, much of the system is over capacity or performing at a low service level.

The City’s Sanitary Sewer Masterplan (2012) is also due for an update. This Functional Planning Study will provide the basis for guiding future upgrades, not only in the sanitary sewer system but also in all infrastructure service areas.

The City has engaged a consultant to determine the most efficient alignment(s) for sewer upgrades. This study will consider existing plans and infrastructure life cycles as well as future growth and new infrastructure. Ultimately, this study will help identify the best path for moving forward with utility replacements and improvements for the short term and for the long term.

This utility corridor study will help guide the City’s capital upgrade plans for the design, development, repair, and replacement of underground utility work in the entire study area.


The City would like to invite the public to attend an open house on Monday, November 6, 2023, at the Merritt Civic Centre (1950 Mamette Ave)  from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.  Residents can expect to see detailed informational displays and be able to speak directly with City representatives about the proposed project.

City staff, Mayor, and Council look forward to introducing the project findings to the community.

We encourage all residents to stay informed, attend public meetings, provide feedback and encourage others to participate in public engagement sessions such as this open house.  Your involvement can help improve government services, enhance safety and environmental responsibility, and well as help guide the future growth of our community.

See you Monday, November 6, for an Open House from 6PM – 8PM, at the Merritt Civic Centre!

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