UPDATE: OCTOBER 2022 — The City of Merritt has recently completed a complete rebuild of flood ravaged Canford Avenue, east of Main Street, along Voght Park. The road, pavement, and underground utilities and sewer system needed to be completely rebuilt, reinstalled and realigned. This priority project is nearing completion. Roads have been repaved. The curbs and sidewalks are installed and completed October 2022. Curbing and a grass boulevard were added into the scope. Seeding will occur in spring.
AUGUST 12, 2022 — Reparations of flood damaged Canford Avenue is underway. RFPs have been issued and awarded. Site preparation and construction is slated to begin mid-August.
Public Works crews are expected to issue no parking signs starting August 16, 2022. Work on removing sidewalks is expected to start August 19, 2022.
Alterations to garbage collection routes may be required.